
Get em while you can!

Limited Run

Starting in February, The Movement Shop will be pre-order and limited release only (with a few of our faves still around)
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      233 products
      Pilates Body Autonomy T-Shirt
      5 out of 4 Pilates Teachers
      Woman leaning against a tree outside wearing a unisex crewneck t-shirt that says "Move Change Heal"
      Move Change Heal T-Shirt
      Woman wearing a heather orchid t-shirt with a drawing of a rib cage with the ribs designed as the 6 pilates principles
      Pilates Ribs T-Shirt
      Pet Puppies Do Pilates Crop - The Movement Shop
      Puppies + Pilates Crop Hoodie
      Sold Out
      A  woman wearing a black muscle tank top that says "you can't make everyone happy; you aren't feet in straps" in white text on the front
      You Aren't Feet In Straps Muscle Tank
      Woman wearing a heather slate unisex crew t-shirt that says "Resting Teaser Face" in black text
      Resting Teaser Face T-Shirt
      Woman wearing a unisex crewneck heather orchid t-shirt that says "You Have Died Of The Magic Circle" in 80's throwback font with the Oregon trail  ox and cart. Woman is leaning against blue background
      Throwback Magic Circle T-Shirt
      All Sizes (Pop Art) T-Shirt
      Woman wearing a Deep Heather Teal muscle tank top that says "You Already Said Two More" In white text
      Two More Muscle Tank
      Supreme Court Workout T-Shirt
      Woman wearing a red unisex hoodie that says "there is magic in movement" in red text
      Magic In Movement Hoodie
      Rays of Sunshine Orchid Unisex T-Shirt
      Forgot To Count T-Shirt
      Treat You Like Magic Circle T-Shirt
      Woman wearing a heather orchid unisex crew neck t-shirt that says "I thought my shoulders were relaxed" in black text.
      Shoulders Were Relaxed T-Shirt
      woman wearing heather ice blue crewneck t-shirt that says "There Is Magic In Movement" in black text. The words "is Magic In" is designed to look like a crystal ball.
      Magic In Movement T-Shirt
      Woman wearing a long sleeve black shirt that says "relax your shoulders" in retro font
      Relax Your Shoulders Long Sleeve Shirt
      Woman wearing a maroon t-shirt that says "Take Up Space" in white writing
      Take Up Space T-Shirt
      A woman wearing a heather columbia blue shirt that says "The Magic Circle Doesn't Like You Either" in black text
      Magic Circle T-Shirt
      Woman wearing a blue t-shirt that says "I do Pilates because my back hurts from carrying the weight of men's audacity". T-Shirt is from The Movement Shop
      Men's Audacity T-Shirt
      Folded Heather Deep Teal Unisex Crewneck T-Shirt that has the text "slow down" in white script over a white sloth on her left chest logo.
      Slow Down T-Shirt
      Woman wearing a unisex crewneck green t-shirt that says "Pet Puppies, Do Pilates" in black text
      Puppies + Pilates T-Shirt
      Woman wearing a heather mauve crewneck t-shirt that says "Relax Your Shoulders" in vintage retro text
      Relax Your Shoulders Retro Black Font T-Shirt
      A woman wearing a heather navy unisex crewneck t-shirt that says "happiness is feet in straps" in white script text
      Feet In Straps T-Shirt
      Trust Your Gut Crop T-Shirt
      2021 Goals T-Shirt
      All Sizes (The OG!) T-Shirt