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Limited Run

Starting in February, The Movement Shop will be pre-order and limited release only (with a few of our faves still around)
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      255 products
      Woman wearing a deep heather crop top tshirt that says "Lift Heavy Because The Patriarchy Isn't Going To Smash Itself". Woman is leaning against a pink background.
      Lift Heavy Crop T-Shirt
      Woman wearing a unisex heather crew t-shirt that says "Shavasana Reset Kickass" in black text
      Shavasana T-Shirt
      Woman wearing a heather columbia blue crewneck t-shirt that says "I'm just a girl standing in from of a treadmill, asking for it to be a reformer"
      Reformer Ask T-Shirt
      Lying To You Tote Bag
      11oz white coffee mug that says "Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue, When I Said Two More, I Was Lying To You". There are flowers in the background
      Lying To You Mug
      from $30.00
      Canvas Tote Bag that says "Personally Victimized By The Presidential Fitness Test". Tote bag is against a tennis bag.
      Presidential Fitness Test Tote
      Love Language Feet In Straps Water Bottle
      Canvas tote with handles that says "There is Magic In Movement" in black text. It is designed to look like crystal ball.
      Magic In Movement Tote
      Canvas tote bag that is on the back of a white chair. Tote bag says "5 out of 4 Pilates Teachers Struggle With Counting" on one side.
      5 out of 4 (Pilates) Tote
      Unclip T-Shirt
      Woman wearing a blue shirt that says "You can't make everyone happy, you aren't feet in straps" in black text
      You Aren't Feet In Straps T-Shirt
      Woman wearing a heather teal unisex crew t-shirt with the words "Pilates better than all the wrist" in white text. There is a skeleton wrist incorporated into the text.
      Pilates Wrist T-Shirt
      Camp Pilates Long Sleeve Crop
      Pilates Canvas Tote bag hanging off a bike handle. Tote bag says "My Love Language Is Feet In Straps" in black text
      Love Language Tote
      A woman sitting on a blue exercise ball wearing a unisex crew neck t-shirt that is a single line drawing of Clara Pilates and Joseph Pilates
      Clara + Joe T-Shirt
      Sold Out
      woman wearing a crop hoodie that says "relax your shoulders" in white text
      Relax Your Shoulders Crop Hoodie
      Woman wearing a women's cut peach muscle tank top that says you have died of tap backs under an old school Oregon Trail Covered Wagon in black text
      Throwback Tapback Muscle Tank
      Woman wearing a heather peach unisex crew-t-shirt that says "Life is Tough But Barre Is Harder".
      Barre is harder T-Shirt
      Woman wearing a heather military green shirt that says "relax your shoulders" in white retro text
      Relax Your Shoulders Retro White Text T-Shirt
      Woman in front of a purple background wearing a heather columbia blue unisex crew neck t-shirt that says "yeah, sex is good but have you tried short spine?" in black text
      Short Spine > Sex T-Shirt
      Woman wearing a heather mauve unisex crew t-shirt that says "I've got 99 problems and the reformer solved them all then the magic circle added like 7 of them back"
      99 Problems T-Shirt
      Woman wearing a heather columbia unisex crewneck t-shirt that says "Relax Your Shoulders" in white text
      Relax Your Shoulders (V1!) T-Shirt
      Ride The Beat T-Shirt
      Those Who Wander Mug
      from $31.00
      Pilates Teacher Breath
      from $31.00
      15 oz mug  that says Move. Change. Heal. in black text
      Move Change Heal Mug
      from $31.00
      15 oz white coffee mug that says "I'm just a girl, standing in front of her Pilates Teacher, asking her to f'ing count"
      Just A Girl (Pilates) Mug
      from $31.00
      The World Moves Mug
      from $31.00